We will open for the 2019 Fall Apple Season on Thursday, September 5th at 10 am.
Apple ripening is just a little later than anticipated so we are opening a little later than normal. We wanted to give the apples time to fully ripen so you can enjoy them at their peak flavor.
The crop looks great and we actually like the quality of the apples when they can ripen slowly.
We will have your early season favorites, First Kiss, Zestar! State Fair, RedFree and of course, caramel apples!
And you can expect we’ll have your favorite bakery products! Caramel apple cookies, turnovers and scones – we know they are almost as popular as our apples!
You can find our apples in the store during the week, and on the weekend we offer pick-your-own, on select varieties depending on the ripening season. Apples at Pleasant Valley.
Our special activities will begin September 14th & 15th with our Anniversary Weekend, featuring our Vendor Fair, Brat Feed and music until 7 pm on Saturday. Click here for a full line-up of special activities!
Fall Hours: Open Daily 10 am to 6 pm.