In one short month, we will be ready for our 25th Fall Season at the Orchard! (Check out what we have planned.) We open for the season on September 1st!
What do we do to get ready?
We finalize fall activities, order inventory for the store, hire and train new employees. (Check out our Facebook page for Event postings and additional details).
We do all sorts of tasks in the orchard to ensure a healthy apple crop. Did you know we feed nutrients to the soil? That we strip weeds away from the base of the trees? That we spread mulch to keep weeds down and retain moisture?
Then there are all the details of getting our buildings and grounds ready. Mowing, cleaning. More mowing and cleaning.
Fall is a wonderful, beautiful extension of summer. And a bite of a Minnesota grown, tree-ripened apple is one of the best expressions of fall!
See you soon!