We’re excited about our pick-your-own strawberry season! We know you are too! Here are a few tips as you plan your trip:
- You don’t need to worry about bringing containers! We provide them.
- Our fields are super clean. The straw mulch that protects the berries from the harsh Minnesota winters makes for minimal dirt, mud and weeds.
- Our staff is fantastic, friendly and helpful. When you arrive at the patch, our young team will show you where to pick and give you directions for the best picking experience. Please listen to them as they are there to help you!
- We’re not fancy. Just an awning, some tables, a couple of scales, and water available for sale if you need it.
- We take cash, checks or credit cards.
- We welcome families with young children, but be warned, we weigh them on their way in and out.
- We ask that you leave your pets at home. They don’t do well picking berries.
- The price this year for PYO is $2.50 per pound.
- Pre-picked berries are available at our discretion. Please call ahead to inquire. The price is $4.50 per quart. 651-257-9159.
- Our fields are clean, a slight breeze keeps bugs at a minimum and the berries are delightful.
- You’re invited to check for picking times and conditions at 651-257-9159 before heading out.
- If this is your first time picking berries, go to the main orchard parking lot, there is a black mail box by the strawberry banners, in it you will find a map with directions to the patch.
Our season runs for 3 weeks or more, so we hope to be open the 4thof July week and beyond, depending on weather and growing conditions.