The 2020 Pick-Your-Own Strawberry Season will begin on Monday morning, June 22.
Picking Information: 651-257-9159. Updated daily with picking conditions and information.
Hours: Opening at 7 am, as a part of our effort to practice social distancing. We will generally be open daily until 11 am, or until all the ripe berries are picked.
Price: $2.75 per pound for PYO.
Pre-Picked: We are not able to offer pre-picked berries at this time.
A few things have changed at the orchard, please take a few minutes to read through our 2020 Guidelines and Picking Policies:
- If you are feeling sick, or anyone in your party, please do not come out to the fields.
- We encourage but no not require customers to wear masks.
- Practice social distancing. Watch for directional signage, flags and cones. When you arrive at the patch, our team will show you where to pick and give you directions for the best picking experience. Please listen to them as they are there to help you!
- Picking containers are provided. At this time, you cannot use your own containers or boxes.
- All pickers need to wash their hands before picking. We will have extra handwashing stations.
- Right now, we will not be providing golf cart rides because of the social distancing requirements.
- Smaller groups are encouraged.
- Important — do not to eat strawberries in the field.
- We welcome children, but young pickers must stay close to their adult.
- Bring along enough adults or older children so when your small helpers tire of picking, they can wait on the edge of the field with someone.
- We will be assigning every other strawberry row to keep people 6 feet apart.
- If necessary, access to the field will be metered.
- Bring your own water, kneeling pads, wagons or strollers for transporting your little ones and berries.
- We ask that you leave your pets at home. They don’t do well picking berries.
If this is your first time to the patch, come to the main orchard parking area for directions to the strawberry patch. The patch is located in our back fields. You will find directions with a map in the black mail box by the orchard banners.