Did you know that Honeycrisp and Zestar! apples are the parent to the SweeTango? That’s how it gets its crisp and zesty flavors! We have a huge crop of SweeTango’s this year and everyone is loving them. And we can tell you that the once Honeycrisp only crowd is now all in on SweeTango! Both are equally popular here at Pleasant Valley Orchard.
In the store we currently have: SweeTango, Honeycrisp, First Kiss, Zestar! Wealthy and Chestnut Crab apples.
Pears in the store are: Patten, Gourmet and Luscious. You tell me which is your favorite!
This coming weekend (September 28 & 29) we will offer Pick-Your-Own on SweeTango and Honeycrisp.
Other weekend highlights include:
Hayrides! Food trailer with cider slushees and donuts.
Music on Saturday will be Andrew Spreck and on Sunday Scotch Eggs
Orchard Open Daily from 10 am to 6 pm.