Pleasant Valley Orchard’s Pick-Your-Own Strawberry season over for the year.
Pleasant Valley Orchard offers three acres of mouth-watering strawberries for your picking enjoyment! Our fields are super clean. The straw mulch that protects the berries from the harsh Minnesota winters makes for minimal dirt, mud and weeds. If you’re looking for fancy, you won’t find it here. Just an awning, some tables and a couple of scales. We take cash, checks or credit cards. As a back-up; bring cash or a check as we sometimes experience technology issues out in the fields.
Supervised children are welcome, but please leave your furry friends at home.
If this is your first time to the patch, come to the main orchard parking area for directions to the strawberry patch. The patch is located in our back fields. You will find directions with a map in the black mail box by the orchard banners.
The price this year is $3.35 per pound and we are unable to take orders for pre-picked berries. We do provide containers.
Picking and Handling Tips
- Berries picked in the early morning or evening will be better than berries picked in the hot sun.
- Always pick berries with the stem on.
- Pick all of the ripe fruit large and small – look under the leaves, they like to hide.
- Leave bad fruit beside the row.
- Handle berries gently, don’t pile too high in the containers.
- Please do not remove the stems in the fields, clean your berries at home.
- Place then out of the direct sunlight in your car.
- Refrigerate berries as soon as possible.
- If not serving right away, do not wash. Leave hulls on strawberries and place in container and cover with a slightly damp paper towel.
- Just before using, under a gentle spray of water, wash strawberries with the hulls still attached. Then you can remove the hulls. Let drain.
- Keep berries in refrigerator 3 – 5 days only, or freeze.
Strawberries for Good Health!
Strawberries rank among the best fruits for healthy diets. With only 50 calories, more vitamin C than an orange and no cholesterol or saturated fat per cup, these tasty treats make a nutritious snack. Strawberries can help reduce birth defects, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and strokes.